Terms of sale

Veebipoe TEEMANDITIKAND.EE (edaspidi Veebipood) haldaja on OÜ Teemantmaalid (register code 16954859 ),
Located in Sõbra 14, Tartu, Estonia.

Validity of the sales contract, goods and price information
The terms of sale apply to the purchase of goods from the Online Store.
The prices of the products sold in the online store are indicated next to the products. A fee is added to the price
for the delivery of the goods.
The delivery fee depends on the location of the buyer and the method of delivery.
The delivery fee will be shown to the buyer when ordering.
Information about the goods is provided in the Online Store directly next to the goods.
Making an order
To order the goods, you must add the desired products to the shopping cart. You must fill in the order form
required fields and select the appropriate delivery method for the products. Then is displayed
the amount of the fee that can be paid via a bank link or other payment solution.
The agreement enters into force upon receipt of the amount due to the current account of the Online Store.
If the ordered goods cannot be delivered due to the end of the goods or for any other reason,
the buyer shall be informed as soon as possible and the money paid (including the goods) shall be returned
delivery costs) immediately, but no later than 14 days after the notification.
The goods are sent to the following countries: Estonia
Shipping costs are borne by the buyer and the corresponding price information is displayed next to the shipping method.
Shipments within Estonia usually reach the destination specified by the buyer within 2-4 working days from
entry into force of the contract of sale.
In exceptional cases, the right to deliver the goods within up to 45 calendar days.
Right of withdrawal
After receiving the order, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded in the e-shop within 14 days

The right of withdrawal does not apply if the buyer is a legal entity.

In order to exercise the 14-day right of return, the ordered goods may not be used in any other way than is
necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods in the manner permitted by the goods
for testing in a physical store.
If the goods have been used for purposes other than those necessary for their nature, characteristics and
or to show signs of use or wear, the Online Store has the right
reduce the refundable fee according to the decrease in the value of the goods.
In order to return the goods, an application for withdrawal from the purchase of the goods must be submitted, the form of which can be found
from here: withdrawal application and send it to the e-mail address within 14 days at the latest
The cost of returning the goods shall be borne by the buyer, unless the reason for the return is
the fact that the item to be returned does not correspond to what was ordered (eg a wrong or defective item).
The buyer must return the goods within 14 days of the application or provide proof that:
he has handed over the goods to the carrier during that period.
The online store will return the returned goods to the buyer immediately, but not later than 14
days after receipt of the withdrawal application, all payments received from the buyer under the contract.
The online store may refuse to make refunds as long as there is an object of the contract
received back.
If the buyer has explicitly chosen the cheapest conventional item offered by the online store
delivery method other than the delivery method, the Online Store does not have to return it to the consumer
a cost which exceeds the cost of the normal method of delivery.
The online store has the right to withdraw from the sale transaction and demand the return of the goods from the buyer if the price of the goods
due to a mistake, the online store has marked significantly below the market price of the goods.
Right to lodge a complaint
The online store is responsible for non-compliance or defect of the goods sold to the buyer,
which already existed at the time the goods were handed over and which appears within two years of the goods
transfer to the buyer. During the first six months from the date of delivery to the buyer, it is expected that:
the shortage already existed at the time of the transfer. The online store is rebutted
The buyer has the right to contact the online store within two months at the latest by sending an e-mail to

The online store is not responsible for defects that have occurred after the delivery of the goods to the buyer.
If the goods purchased from the Online Store have defects for which the Online Store is responsible, repair or
replaces defective goods in the Online Store. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced,
the Online Store will return all fees associated with the sales contract to the buyer.
The online store responds to a consumer complaint in writing or in a written reproduction
within 15 days.
Direct marketing and processing of personal data
The online store uses the personal data entered by the buyer (incl. Name, telephone number, address, e-mail)
address, bank details) only to process the order and send the goods to the buyer.
The online store transmits personal data to transport companies for delivery
The online store will send the buyer newsletters and offers to the buyer's e-mail address only if the buyer
has expressed a wish to do so by entering an e-mail address on the website and has indicated its wish
to receive direct mail notifications.
The buyer can unsubscribe from e-mail offers and newsletters at any time
let us know by email or by following the instructions in the email containing the offers.
Solving arguments
If the buyer has any complaints regarding the Online Store, they must be sent to the e-mail address
info@teemanditikand.ee or
call by phone: +372 566 370 89
If the buyer and the Online Store are unable to resolve the dispute by agreement, the buyer will be able to
apply to the Consumer Disputes Committee. The procedural conditions and the application are available
submit here. The Consumer Disputes Committee is competent to resolve the agreement between the buyer and the Online Store
disputes arising out of the contract. The examination of the buyer's complaint in the commission is free of charge.
The buyer can turn to the European Union Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform.
